Do you ever feel as if you’re in a rut? Do you wonder if you’ll ever advance in your job or do anything new? Rather than wait for something around you to change, consider enhancing your skills, which may increase your value as an employee as well as help you feel less stuck. Some of the ways you can develop yourself professionally are:
- Become an expert on your organization . Whether or not you like the forms, rules, and “red tape” you have to deal with, you can become more effective by learning the rules as well as possible. Read all the policies and procedures relevant to your job.
- Learn from others . Don’t “reinvent the wheel” when there may be plenty of co-workers who can show you shortcuts and solutions to make your job easier. Ask around.
- Develop new skills . The more you know, the more valuable an employee you are. Whether it’s writing, public speaking, or computer skills, there are a number of routes to learning, including seminars, adult education courses, books, and software.
- Pass it on . If you attend a class or training that would be relevant to your co-workers, share your notes or handouts–or better yet, give a short presentation.
- Read with your ears . Books on tape allow you to learn while commuting, cooking, or taking a walk. Check out your local library or bookstore for ideas.
- Join a group . Professional associations offer many educational materials and programs. If you don’t have time to keep up with all the new developments in your field, split up the reading with a few colleagues and meet regularly to bring each other up to speed.
Lifelong learning is a hallmark of the current Age of Information. Keep your skills current, and you will be ready for new opportunities when they arise.